Become a Toxin Freedom Fighter with Seventh Generation (#sponsored #mc)

Become a Toxin Freedom Fighter with Seventh Generation (#sponsored #mc)

Chemicals are everywhere,  and I am not a fan.  The Toxic Substances Control Act was passed way back in 1976 to help control and test for toxins, but guess how much progress has been made since then?  Not a whole lot, unfortunately. The Act hasn’t been updated, and even though there have been more than…

Spring has Sprung at OshKosh B’gosh plus a 20% off Coupon! (#sponsored #mc)
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Spring has Sprung at OshKosh B’gosh plus a 20% off Coupon! (#sponsored #mc)

So many people in my old neck of the woods out East are wishing desperately for an early spring after all the freezing cold and snow they’ve been dealt with lately.  Here’s hoping temperatures rise to the warmth you are wishing for and spring arrives sooner rather than later. Spring has sprung at OshKosh B’gosh!…

Let do the work for you – and make your cards #TopOfTheMantel Worthy this year! (#sponsored #mc)
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Let do the work for you – and make your cards #TopOfTheMantel Worthy this year! (#sponsored #mc)

Remember how I ordered a special card for my best friend from a couple of weeks ago?   I went back and ordered my Christmas cards for this year from them, too – especially since I had a great photo of the kids to use for this year’s fun: What I love about…

Arm & Hammer helps Deck the Halls Fresh and Bright (#sponsored #MC #HolidayFresh)
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Arm & Hammer helps Deck the Halls Fresh and Bright (#sponsored #MC #HolidayFresh)

Kids are dirty.  There, I said it.  Little did I know when Princess Nagger was born I’d end up dealing with lots of dirt and grime. She isn’t fazed by dirt, and I’m learning new tricks every day on trying to make sure the stains are able to be eliminated from just about everything.  When…

Maytag Needs Your Help – Cast Your Vote to Choose a Dependable Leader (#sponsored #MC #DependableLeader)

Maytag Needs Your Help – Cast Your Vote to Choose a Dependable Leader (#sponsored #MC #DependableLeader)

Those who read me regularly already know that I’m a big fan of Maytag.  I’m a Maytag Mom, after all.  But this isn’t about me, this is about giving back.  I love the Maytag appliances, but most of all I love how Maytag gives back to the community in so many ways.  Right now they…

Affordable Holiday Shopping at OshKosh B’Gosh – plus a 25% off Coupon! (#OshKoshBgosh #MC #sponsored)
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Affordable Holiday Shopping at OshKosh B’Gosh – plus a 25% off Coupon! (#OshKoshBgosh #MC #sponsored)

I’ve always loved OshKosh B’gosh – not just because the name of the store is fun to say (I mean c’mon – say OshKosh B’gosh three times fast and I dare you not to giggle!), but because their clothing lasts through kids’ roughhousing ways!  For some reason I always associated OshKosh B’gosh with strictly infant…

Let Cardstore Alleviate the Pressure this Holiday Season (#TopoftheMantel #MC #sponsored)
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Let Cardstore Alleviate the Pressure this Holiday Season (#TopoftheMantel #MC #sponsored)

I’m a card girl.  I love sending cards for all occasions, and once upon a time was on top of things and sent out Christmas cards to an extended Christmas List of family and friends without fail every year.  Then life got crazy busy, and my card sending has been hit-and-miss. Since I’m not a…