You know how they say as you get older, time seems to fly by even faster. It’s true.  It’s April already – the first quarter of 2011 is finished.  As always, I’m looking for that elusive ‘pause’ button.  If you find it, please let me know.  It’s also Monday, less than three weeks from now it will be Easter.  So today’s ‘theme’ for Monday’s Music Moves Me is Gospel/Spiritual Rock –  I’ve picked out a couple of my favorites I know you’ll enjoy, too.

First up we have one of my favorite Christian Rock bands, Newsboys.  I loved singing this song when I used to sing with the band at church each Sunday.  I couldn’t find a decent video of the band performing – the ones I did find the sound quality was bad, or the music was muffled, so I went with this one that has the words as the video instead.  Enjoy!


Next up is a band called Three Nails – the name represents “Nail of Love, Nail of Loyalty and Nail of Our Sins”.  My hubby is the lead guitarist, back-up singer and music magician in the recording studio.  His best friend Dave Mayton is the lead singer (I keep telling him he sounds like Creed) and they get together weekly to write music and lyrics so I get to hear their magic as it happens.  This song,  “The Sky is Falling” one of my hubby’s favorites (and mine too)  – enjoy!

Enjoy your Monday!


Run DMT also hosts Music Monday:
I’m also participating in Music Monday, hosted by non other than the lovely Lady Java!

I’m also joining another fun BlogHop – Meet Me Monday! If you’re a new follower, please leave your link so I can follow you back!


I’m also joining another fun BlogHop by Makobi Scribe – Not So Moody Monday!   Monday’s can be moody – here’s a chance to thwart that.  If you’re a new follower, please leave your link so I can follow you back!

More Monday Hops – hop along, won’t you?

Mingle Monday
living on love and cents monday blog hopgiveaway button for mondaysparty hop monday button

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  1. I LOVE The Newsboys! My favorite group! We’ve seen them a couple times live. Always and awesome concert!

  2. That’s quite an upbeat song of the Newsboys. I like it. How lucky to witness magic as it happens. Life with a musician husband must be awesome. Happy Monday!

  3. Wow, you’re hubby is a guitartist! My hubby played drums as a teen. I’m having fun seeing what others like where Christian Rock muisc goes and am making a list of all of my favorites. Have an awesome Monday!

    ~Cathy Kennedy, Children’s Author
    The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

  4. Great picks, mama! I love the Newsboys. I started really getting into Christian music about 4 years ago because of the band that played at our church. They introduced me to some really great songs that I would never heard otherwise. Thanks to the Josh Helms Project (band from my church) I began to listen to Praise on XM. Such a great station!

    Thanks for the MM shout out! xox

  5. Well, we do have a few things in common. Taste in music is pretty much he same, and taste in hubbies! MUSICIANS! That’s too cool finally someone to relate too! Anyway, That’s great you put them on your blog. Your hubby’s band is much more further along than mine. My hubby is barely out of the basement yet. Anyway, love love your picks. I think I’ve might have heard the first one before. I went in my car & put the radio & 94.3 use to be the Loop & it’s not anymore now it’s called “K-land” I think that’s it and it’s all Christian Rock. Man, some of that stuff is really really good, and the words are so clear and really have great meaning behind them. Love it. Well, have a great day, thanks for playing, and see ya next week. Bring a friend and tell me early, and you can get first place on our linky. I post at 10 p.m. on Sunday night.

  6. Those are some great choices! I haven’t heard of either bands so it was nice to become aquainted with some new music 🙂

    And it IS so cool that your hubby is in a band and that you’re close to them!!

    Have a musical week 🙂

  7. Oh! I love Newsboys. Thanks for sharing. I didn’t see a GFC button but I followed you on Networked blogs from The Thrifty Things. Thanks for linking up with us.

  8. I have never heard the Newsboys and I really enjoyed that. You always do so well with these. Thanks for sharing and have a great week ahead 🙂

  9. I remember the Newsboys. I haven’t heard them in forever though… and if your husband is a musician that makes him awesome and it makes you awesome by association. Tell him I said he and his buddy write very cool lyrics. 🙂
    Classic NYer would like you to read ..MusicMonday- AnthemMy Profile

  10. I like ‘The Sky Is Falling”; the guitar is awesome – AND I KNOW GOOD GUITAR!

    Thanks for sharing 🙂


  11. I’ve never heard of the Newsboys, but that song is ROCKIN!!
    Your hubby’s band is fabulous – I love the sound, I agree, they sound a little like Creed – who I really LOVE!
    Thanks for playing along again with some terrific songs.
    Have a great week.

  12. “to hear their music as it happens” – that would be fun. Are you a backup singer for them? So many blogs and so many blog hops – good thing I’m not a bunny.

  13. A little late on the monday hopping–but glad I got to hear your songs! I used to listen to Newsboys–may need to pull out that DVD! Following from RMR Hop!

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