I decided to save myself some time and energy and combine a number of posts into one. Of course that means a little more work by way of reading for you, but I’ll try to make it easy to follow along. Promise.

Happy Halloween!!

I know…..it’s only the beginning of August and I’m wishing you a Happy Halloween. Well, when I had a few errands to run on Tuesday, this is the sight that greeted my eyes when I turned the corner in one aisle:

After I tweeted a lament about not having my camera with me to capture this sight, I realized that my cell phone camera would work just fine…sorry about the quality of the shot, but you get the idea. Half the items on the shelf are Halloween items, with ‘Happy Halloween’ emblazoned on them, the rest are general ‘fall decorations’. Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t they use to hold off on that until the Back To School stuff was depleted? You know, like September? For that matter, the Back To School stuff showed up in July – before June was even a memory.

How early is too early? That’s either a rhetorical question or a moot point, I haven’t decided yet. August is definitely too early for Halloween/Fall decorations. September is too early for Christmas – it used to be that you wouldn’t see any Christmas decor until Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. In recent years it seems that Memorial Day is their Christmas Season ‘kick-off’. Way too early for my preference.

So my actual Aloha Friday Question is: When do you start decorating for the ‘seasons’? For me, I tend to decorate for Halloween at the beginning of October, mixing Fall Decor with a few Halloween items that can be removed right after Halloween and remain through Thanksgiving. Then I decorate for Christmas during the ‘long’ Thanksgiving weekend, depending on how busy we are for that particular weekend. I used to wait and decorate for Christmas after my birthday in early December, but since I like to go overboard all-out for that particular time of year, I figured we might as well have a ‘festive’ atmosphere for the entire month, including my birthday.

Speaking of ‘holidays’, Hubby forgot our anniversary on Tuesday. I mentioned something about it Monday night when he mentioned he had band practice Tuesday night, but it went right ov
er his head. Tuesday I ran out and bought him new anniversary cards (yes, plural – I always get him one funny one and one serious one) because I haven’t been able to locate the hiding place I put the ones I bought him 2 months ago and didn’t want to not have a card waiting for him. When he got home from work they were waiting for him propped on his computer monitor. I didn’t set the gift I got for him there, because I didn’t want him to feel bad. I should have let him feel bad.

This is the first year he’s forgotten. And the first year he’s not gotten me anything for our anniversary. We’ve been mostly together for 12 years, married for 6. He did bring home 2 dozen roses on Wednesday with a card. No actual gift. He explained why he got the dates mixed up (5th vs. 4th) but it was still obvious that even though he thought the date was the 5th he didn’t plan or think ahead. He said if he had remembered our anniversary the day before, it would have been one dozen roses.

Not sure how I feel about that, and I’m not sure how to communicate how I feel about the fact that he not only forgot, but he pretty much blew off this important day by not getting or doing something thoughtful. Especially when he’s been buying shitloads of stuff for himself (collectible coins, 2 new guitars, etc.) Honestly it kinda makes me feel insignificant and worthless. Needless to say, I ended up not giving him his gift – I’m hanging onto it until Christmas. Maybe. Sure it’s petty, but I’m feeling a bit petty right now. First Mother’s Day, now our anniversary. I hate to think that the year might potentially end on a bad note with my birthday and Christmas both in December.

On to more cheerful things (perception, people!) blueviolet and Stesha have challenged each other to Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred – more power to them! I’ve heard it can be brutal, so I’ll let ’em knock themselves out. Meanwhile, I’ve rejoined the merry band of Wii Mommies (though they don’t actually know it yet) by dusting off my copy of EA Sports Active and Wii Fit this week.

I didn’t realize that the last time I did a Fitness Friday post was exactly 2 months ago… I wonder if I should have joined blueviolet and Stesha for their 30 Day Shred, as I’m feeling pretty ‘shredded’ myself this week! But the good news is that I’m down another 5 pounds, so I’m motivated to keep at it. Especially since I want to make sure I’m comfortable in my own skin when I step out of my comfort zone next year and go to BlogHer 2010 – and since blueviolet happens to be one of my roomies for that event, I better make sure I keep up with her before we go so I can keep up with her when we’re there.

Princess Nagger Conversation of the Week:

Princess Nagger: “I give this 4-and-a-half stars.”

Me: “4-and-a-half stars, hmmm?”

PN: “Yes, 3-and-a-half stars for being cool, and only 1 star because it didn’t pit all the cherries.”

Me: “It didn’t pit all the cherries?”

PN: “No, it left some of them in, so it only deserves one star. You can go ahead and go on the website and put 4-and-a-half stars on there for me.”

What is she talking about? The Cherry Chomper:
Kathy B! – this is what you need for your daughter… I can’t promise she and her clothes will remain cherry juice free, but maybe it’ll make the mess more fun! 😉

If you’re just hanging out at home on Friday night (and blogging), feel free to join in on Ann’s Virtual Girl’s Night Out (boys are welcome, too!)


Thanks for putting up with my cramming today – and if you have time, be sure to stop by and say hi to Mrs. 4444 at Half Past Kissin’ Time for fun Friday Fragments, Sara at Ordinary and Awesome for Friday’s Freewrite, Wii Mommies for Fitness Friday, Ann Again and Again for VGNO, and Island Life for Aloha Friday.

Friday Fragments?

OrdinaryAndAwesome.com is the Chronicles of My Ordinary and Awesome Life, Family, and Thoughts. OrdinaryAndAwesome.com is the Mostly Wordless Wednesday headquarters as well as the home to several original awards and memes.


  1. Hmm, where to start… yes it's too early, Happy Anniversary, sorry your man forgot, PN is a funny with her rating system and I've never seen a cherry chomper in my life.

    We rarely celebrate our birthdays or anniversaries here, if it makes you feel any better.

  2. Oh no!! He forgot your anniversary? That stinks. I agree with you about decorating. Halloween at the beginning of October with a combo of fall/Halloween stuff taking only the Halloween down and leaving the rest Through Thanksgiving. We go away Thanksgiving weekend so when we get home we start decorating. We take all week and the following Saturday we put up the tree.

  3. Abe Froman, Sausage King of Chicago stopping by for VGNO.

    Have a great weekend!

    Sorry to hear about your anniversary. It is disappointing when your SO forgets or isn't as thoughtful as you are. I hear ya.

  4. I am so sorry! That is totally shitty and you deserve better. So treat yourself to a spa day…and tell hubby it was his treat. A very expensive spa day. I'll even come along to help you run up the bill.

  5. See.. I'd never let my hubs get away with that — you can bet it would only happen once. You should definitely tell him how it makes you feel and then head to the spa! Phew you did cram a ton into this post – but that is good because I haven't gotten around to much blog reading this week!

  6. W A A A Y tooo early to be shopping for Halloween stuff. I was freaking out today when I went to Target and saw all of the school supplies!

    Hubby forgot the anniversary? After 30 years, I just plan ours and tell him where he's going…

  7. Yay on you for staying with the EA Active program over Shred. My man works at Electronic Arts and was part of making Active so that's my workout medium by default and I adore it. I seriously lost 6 lbs. the first week I did it and am dying in a good way after every workout. Whatever works though!

    Sorry to hear that your honey forgot…and I can't make any excuses about men being idiots or whatever either. That was plain stupidity and I hope he paid – between the sheets if anything. Mwahah. 😉

  8. I was having computer issues last night.. and did not get around to say Happy VGNO.. so here I am a bit late!

    Yes.. I am not regretting the D5000 purchase.. Costco has them on sale and it is comparable to the D90 for less $$$! I have gone crazy taking pictures.. and once I really learn to use it( so much camera!)…oh my!

    Congrats on the weight loss.. I seem to be going the other way..you have motivated me to jump back on the Wii fit!

  9. As a Halloween boutique retailer, I started ordering product in Dec. 08 for this upcoming season! Everything was sold out from my wholesalers by Feb!

    I usually start my fall decorating around mid-September!

    Happy Anniversary!

  10. I'm still waiting to see 4th of July stuff in December. If it keeps going at this rate, it will happen!

  11. That is jus ttoo early to do halloween in the stores already gah! It's like jumping from one holiday to the next…when do we really get to appreciation.

    I think I start decorating the last two weeks before the season…or just nowt at all.

    I'm sorry you didn't get a good appreciation even candle lit dessert at home would have been nice. I'm hoping he'll get his boot strapped on for the other special days. I didn't get anythin gfor my b/day or mother's day and well next week is our anniversary…and I don't get anything specialy either to myself or with him, then I'm buying a steam mop.

    I want to joing the Wii fit mommy but don't have a wii so I'll have to wait. Goodluck to you.

    And I've not heard of a cherry chomper! lol

  12. That cherry chomper is SO cool! I love Princess Nagger's review on it too *L*

    I think that any decorations going up more than a month before the holidays are a little extreme. I think a month is a good amount of time since you can enjoy it for a few weeks, but anything more than that is a little nuts. When I worked retail I hated putting up Christmas decor at the beginning of October and having to listen to Christmas music for 3 months. It's just TOOOOOO much!

  13. Uh-oh! Bad hubby! How could he forget your anniversary and then still not do anything to make up for it? Yup, I'd be pretty peeved, too.

    About the decorations…I was in Michael's the other day and I saw the same thing…all fall and Halloween stuff. Really? I agree…"they" bring out all the coming up holiday stuff wayyyy too early! I don't really decorate. But for Halloween, if we put anything out it's sometime in the middle of October. For Christmas, we usually try to start decorating right after Thanksgiving.

    I started the 30 day shred, but then I was getting crampy and couldn't finish and haven't gone bakc to it yet. I really want to though. I'm getting rather fluffy and I'm not ok with that.

  14. So much to say…

    The Halloween Thing … IS JUST WRONG!! This is one of my huge pet peeves .. when stores start pushing stuff way to early. The next thing you know, they'll clear all the Halloween stuff out before September and put in the Christmas stuff. And who wants to buy candy for Halloween now and have it sit for so long? Are they NUTS!!!!?????

    And the anniversary thing. That is pretty bad. My husband and I make a deal not to do anything so no one feels bad.

    And I love the Cherry Chomper review!!!

  15. Wow! Which part of that to comment on first?!

    I have considered boycotting stores that put fall stuff out in August, but now, THEY ALL DO IT! I can't escape!

    I'm so glad you're back in with the WiiMommies! Let's get going!

    Sorry about your hubby! We always get our selves something together, or go on a trip, so a few weeks before, I can say "What are we doing for our Ann this year?"

    Princess Nagger is adorable!

    That's all!

  16. I usually start decorating a couple of weeks ahead of time and take everything down the day after. 🙂

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