I’m really late getting my WW post up today – yesterday’s wild thunder storms followed by a power outage (in which we discovered the electrical plugs in the Summer House where we hang out with our computers and the modem/router, etc. are all plugged in got fried) sort of put a crimp in all my original plans. 🙂

In case you can’t tell, Princess Nagger is extremely excited on her very last day of school because they actually did get to go on their field trip to the Aquarium. She wanted me to be sure to take a picture of her in her school T-shirt, particularly since she wanted Yaya to see that she was wearing bright orange. So there ya go!

I also finally uploaded the Graduation Video to YouTube – the ceremony video itself is about 17 minutes long, so I also broke it up into segments for easier and casual viewing…although the one in its entirety is actually a fun view. Below is one of my favorite segments of the song portion of the ceremony – a medley of 4 or 5 songs – the final song in this group in particular is funny, because the Princess Nagger really gets into the motions of the song. Enjoy!

You can click on the video to go to my YouTube profile and see the other clips if you want. At the time of this posting, the video clips are still being uploaded, so you might want to wait a awhile… 🙂

For Wordless Wednesday, be sure to visit Wordless Wednesday, 5 minutes for Mom, Go Graham Go, JollyMom and Momspective for more great Wordless Wednesday Posts. Mr. Linky has been having issues lately, so be sure to leave your post link in the comments so we can pay a visit! 😉

Wordful Wednesday hosted by Angie at 7 Clown Circus – head on over there to check out all the fun wordy posts!

And don’t forget to stop by Sara’s, she hosts ‘Mostly Wordless Wednesday’ each week!

OrdinaryAndAwesome.com is the Chronicles of My Ordinary and Awesome Life, Family, and Thoughts. OrdinaryAndAwesome.com is the Mostly Wordless Wednesday headquarters as well as the home to several original awards and memes.


  1. loved the video she looked so cute …passed from the comment challenge and to thank you for your own comment

  2. Priceless!! I wish I had my kids kindergarten graduation on tape. But I was too cheap to buy the camcorder!!

  3. Oh my! How exciting. Love how wordless your post was – lol. You kill me girlie 🙂

  4. Congrats on the Princess' big day…and how many more days is it til school starts? Just curious 😉

  5. Head and shoulders, knees and toes… a classic indeed. 🙂 I only watched a little bit of the video since the kids are sleeping and I don't want them to wake up but PN is adorable. It's strange to see her moving since I'm used to her still shots!

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