Last week ended up being a crazy week – I didn’t get a chance to post a Fitness Friday post because ‘life’ got in the way, but I was determined to get a post in this week! 🙂
I finally got EA Sports Active – and man, oh man is that thing the coolest ever! Sure, it kicked my butt the few days I got to use it last week, but I’m determined to kick it right back! I didn’t get a chance to use it at all this week, you know, with Hovering Hubby hovering all week, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t get a chance to work out…nosirree, I did get my quota of a butt-kicking workout by hauling some of these:

(yes, those heavy flagstones are in my hubby’s little bullet car)

I also spent lots of time out in the yard while it was hot and sunny weeding like a madwoman and running the tractor around the Back 40. I also spent a lot of time transplanting plants, (which was harder to do when I dug them up after a thunderstorm since the soil was heavy and muddy at the time).

Princess Nagger staged ‘flying events’ where she requested hubby and I to show off our ‘flying skills’ – which involved holding our arms out to the side and running from one end of the yard to the other, and she’d ‘grade’ us on our flying skills. I’ll have you know I got a better score than Dada did, since I did the unthinkable (for me) and actually ran, where he casually walked from one end of the yard to the other. I’m sure we were quite the entertainment for the neighbors. 😉

I did not, however, get a chance to do any of this:
Nor did I get to do this:
Though it sure looked like a great idea when it was hot and humid earlier this week! Travis loves the new stream – he keeps sticking his face under the running water then running over and trying to get me wet…

I may not have had a chance to do anything on the Wii this week, but I sure got my quota of exercise in and then some! Last week I was down another 2 pounds, this week I was able to get rid of 3 more pounds. WooHoo!

If you want to see the results of the hard work hauling all those flagstone, tune in this weekend for my Weekend Garden post to see how cool the finished stream looks (as opposed to the unfinished look with Travis playing in it) – I even planted some plants on either side and got it all mulched and looking cool! 🙂

If you have a Wii and want to join in the fun, please do! You don’t need to own the WiiFit and you won’t be sorry…it’s great to have such a fun support group at the Wii Mommies Forum. I haven’t been over there in such a long time – I really need to make time to hang out! 🙂

Until next week – have fun on your Wii Workouts and don’t forget to sign Mr. Linky with your weekly Wii Fitness Adventure Posts! 🙂

And you can always head on over here for more information:

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  1. I've moved rocks before and that sure does count as a workout. You'll be sore for days afterward. Travis is getting so big!

  2. Whew, girl! You really worked it! I'm so glad everyone is getting Active, I'm loving hearing the reactions!

  3. That looks like an awesome workout right there for sure! Great job at the weight loss!

  4. Oh Stacey- your puppy is getting so big!He is looking less of a merle color. Wow, you are sure getting a lot done. I've been a slacker….

    Happy VGNO!

  5. I've hauled some of those flag stones…and dang those things are HEAVY! It's harder than lifting weights at the gym….or so I imagine since I've never actually lifted weights…or gone to a gym hehe. I can't wait to see what you've done with them. And I love LOVE the pictures of the dog wading in the stream…he looks VERY happy!

  6. The pictures of Travis in the stream cracked me up! Very cute!

    Can't wait to see your flagstone work!

  7. You did do a lot despite not being on the Wii! 🙂 I personally like to do outside workouts like that when I can… the thing I love about the Wii is that when the weather is bad I can always hit the wii!

  8. Yeah yeah yeah, I got that old EA Active wii thing too….and it is still in the box all sealed up where t can't cause me any pain! LMAO gonna give it a whirl soon…

  9. Geez girl, you're just a weight losing fool! Wooo hooooooooooo! Ooh, can't wait to see the finished stream!
    I think it's time you added an in-ground pool back there now too. Come on, you've got plenty of room!

    Justine 😮 )

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